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Welcome to my first blog post!

I want to start by letting you know why I’m going on a mission trip this summer and then why I’m going with the World Race.

When I was 14 years old (2014), I read a book called “Kisses from Katie” by Katie Davis.  This book sparked my interest in missions.  God then led me to go on a mission trip to China in 2015 to visit a special needs care center.  Through that trip, I developed a passion for kids with special needs and started serving in the disability’s ministry at my church.  The summer of 2018, I had an opportunity to go to Kenya!  I not only fell in love with the people and culture of Africa, but God stretched me out of my comfort zone in so many ways.  As I went through college, I knew I had to get back to Africa, but Covid hit, and it made traveling overseas almost impossible.  But last summer I had the opportunity to travel to Uganda for a month!  God used that trip to teach me about rest and joy found only in Him.  It was beautiful to see refugees praising God despite all the suffering they have been through.

The Lord has shown me the importance of bringing the gospel to ALL nations.  Recently, the Holy Spirit has been leading me to go to unreached people groups.  I wasn’t given an exact timeline, just a call to go.  I am currently teaching Special Education, so I get my summers off.  Since I loved going last summer, I figured I’d look at more opportunities for this summer.  I asked my dad to help me look online.  So, three weeks ago, my dad provided me with a list of organizations with trips to look at.  The one that stuck out was a mission trip to Cambodia and Thailand for 2 months with World Race!  Two months!  I learned that both Cambodia and Thailand are about 97% Buddhist, and both have many unreached people groups.  What’s funny is that I did not expect to go back to Asia.  Visiting China was eye-opening, but I know I love Africa, so it wasn’t the trip I was originally picturing.  But the more I read and prayed about it, the more I felt an overwhelming sense of peace.  So, I applied and within a week I was committed!  I am so excited for this incredible journey and so thankful that God opened the door to this opportunity.

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